Saturday, July 17, 2010

team harry and ron

I have an announcement. After years of refusing to read or watch...I am reading Twilight.

Now that you've calmed down a bit from that, let me explain. Sometimes fellow nannies become friends. This has happened to me. In an effort to not seem like a book snob or mean person and to become better friends with her, I am reading Twilight per request of a fellow nanny whom I see often. As Kristie said today "You have to be a suck up to make friends". Fellow nanny loves that I am reading it. She asks me about it every time I see her and tells me why she loves Edward. I would never take her for a Twilight fan, and this is what got me reading the book more than does it hook every single type of person? I'm 2/3 of the way through the book (and its taken me 2 weeks to get that far, not 2 days), and I still don't know the answer to that question.

Every time I go to my Dad's office, I swap book suggestions with a lady who works for him. This week I told her I was reading Twilight for the first time and she was a) shocked that I hadn't already read it and b) ecstatic for me. She said, and I quote, "Twilight is like eating delicious candy with absolutely no calories. AH you just can't get enough!"

"Bring on the shackles--I'm your prisoner"
"I may not be a human, but I am a man"
"And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him." (replace love with obsessed)
"He grinned his crooked smile at me, stopping my breath and my heart. I couldn't imagine how an angel could be any more glorious."

Lets just say I don't think Twilight is my kind of candy


Brittany said...

it is the kind of candy that is like stone stone stone, rock, cold, icy, cold, cold, marble, chiseled, chiseled, cold, cold, marble.

do you know how much this pleases me? now you can hate twilight legitimately. huzzah. we need to chat.


Jessica Lynn said...

don't hate on me, hater.

that is what twilight is saying to you.

I am saying, I love harry potter and laugh at twilight.

if you think the books are bad-you have to see the movies, they melt my heart they are so beautiful.

Laura said...

Amen, sister! I was DYING at the quotes you gave. So pathetic!! But I do agree with Kristie. You sometimes have to suck up to make friends . . . I saw Eclipse out of peer pressure to make friends with someone. :) First one of the movies or books I have seen/read, and it will be the last.

mckenzie said...

I still have a little thing for whoever plays draco