Monday, March 29, 2010

mad world

Last week was madness. Madness in trying to finish projects and madness in hilarious moments. But, I love the library. And video chatting in the library. And eating everything bad for you in this world to keep us awake. And seeing millions of friends exiting Harold during the midnight music dance party. And going to a random comedy club in Salt Lake. And topping it all off with the Festival of Colors...always a Provo hit.

General Petraeus came to BYU on Thursday. He was funny and normal, and really interesting. How great would it be to know everything that he knows? Actually that would be very overwhelming. It is comforting to know there is a good man leading my brother and so many others in the military. I'm so thankful for people who dedicate their lives to protecting this country and our freedoms. They sacrifice so much and give so much, and no one forces them to. They do it out of their own sense of duty and responsibility, and that is absolutely incredible. You da best, Andyman

captain archer
4th of July in Uganda. we love america

1 comment:

Stacey said...

i really love madness.