Sunday, March 07, 2010

gradumacation celebration

I wrote this back in May the night before I left for Uganda. I just realized that I never published it, just saved it because I didn't have a picture to use. Good reason, right? Kris often tells me to blog about how great she is, but looky here, I already did! So, with Kris getting a job and venturing off to Arizona in the next few weeks, I thought this would be fitting to fiiinally post. Congrats on the job, krisitita! I still miss you mucho in ptown
Congratulations, Graduate! Last Thursday/Friday my sister Kristie graduated from THE Brigham Young University with a degree in Public Health Education. YEAH KRIS! So awesome, she is such a great student...she even got a 4.0 her last semester, now that is impressive. She even remembers what she learned in class, for example today she taught my Dad and I about injury prevention and having emergency plans (but she had a cool name for it). Yesterday she taught me about symbols on the outside of buildings so firemen know what they will be dealing with. Isn't she smart?

This college graduation made me think back to her high school graduation. Kristie saved me in high school. She let me hang out with her friends and eat lunch with them even though they were 2 years older than me and I was just a dinky little freshman/sophomore. I probably had more friends her age than mine. She always helped me out with everything and was always, always there for me and I relied on her a lot. When Kris graduated from high school I thought my world was ending. Seriously. How was I going to survive high school with her hundreds of miles away in Utah?? I didn't. Ok I did but I missed her a lot. And the rest of my siblings that left me for bigger and better things called college and missions and life in general.

So now I am feeling that way will I survive the rest of college with kris hundreds of miles away in Colorado?? She has also been a huge support to me through college. At the beginning of freshman year when I literally had no friends for a while, she let me tag along with hers. I'm leaving for Africa tomorrow and already missing my family and it just really hit me that Kris wouldn't be coming back to BYU with me in the Fall. I don't like that. But I am still so excited for her and the adventure ahead. Good luck in the real world Kristiena, I know you will go so so far. Go save lives, thousands at a time.

thank goodness sara, eli, and tanner will be there for a semester next year. I have LOVED LOVED LOVED having them back in utah with me. Sunday family dinners at their house are what got me through this year. Oh man, I love my family.

thank goodness the moreys are still in utah is right, having some family semi close by is the best


Kristie said...

Who doesn't love a post about themselves? I certainly do. Thanks for the vote of confidence. You should know that I also relied on you through those years and I truly enjoyed having you around.
Hannah is already planning on you two taking a road trip to come see me and Ali in AZ. Sister Sleep Overs! (you can bring Sara/T too)

Jessica Lynn said...

Okay hello. I would like a personalized invitation {IN THE MAIL} to this "sister sleepover."
Am I not family yet??

Also I would like to say that I too have missed Kristie Archer this year. When Kristie was around I saw her more often. I also saw Aly more often. And Kristie and Aly saw ME more often. So that is a win-win-win situation I believe.

So if we could all just reunite that would be great. mmmmmmk thanks.

Unknown said...

Kristie I love you! Aly I love you! Now Kris you know that I am so excited for you to go on to bigger and better things but I will miss you like the sun misses the flower in the depths of winter. Aly we must have sister time in Provo so we don't fall apart in the absence of our sweet sissys. Also as Kristie and I have mentioned, we will be taking a road trip to Pheonix. Enough said.