i may have the worst luck with parking in provo. ever. ever. ever.
christmas remixes are fun
taking 7 finals is not fun. 2 more to go
baby clothes are the cutest
do people actually wear all of the clothes in every store?
shopko has everything. who knew?
i need a dentist
workers at nordstrom always think they know me from somewhere. is this a sales technique?
i want to sell all of my clothes to plato's closet
archer family christmas letter editing is soo entertaining
where are you sleep? can we be friends someday?
i forgot to give my spare change to the christmas bell ringer at wal-mart
eat mor chikin
i am becoming more of a teacher than i like to admit. applying knowledge and sprouting classroom ideas left and right
christmas lights!
you've got growing up to do
sound of music is playing beneath me. oh high school. oh performing. come back.
iceland funddd
i love to see the temple i'm going there someday
make sure to cover your tracks
kristie should get a cat when she moves back to denver
things to do places to go people to see
18 credits?
so much oil right now!

aly archer this is why you are my favorite person ever born. i was going to mention my favs on the list, but i'll just say amen because they are all the best.
i want an archer christmas letter.
and i want SPF (sweet potato fries) too. guru's run before you leave, yeah?
A cat, eh? I don't know about that. I'm still morning Ashes.
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