Sunday, April 17, 2011


Its finals week. My last one, ever. What?! That is the weirdest. But I am definitely learning a lot this finals season...

tornadoes are fun if experienced with a best friend, in a park.
pasty english winter skin burns easily. first sunburn of the season: check. ouch!
cafe rio tastes better eaten with roommates
a tent indoors is the best place for sleeping and telling secrets/life plans
i want to be outside all. day. long
i have a hardish time focusing
the temple is a wonderful place
frisbee needs to happen more
cousins are so tender
so many people to see, so little time
i really do like byu. so much.
i'm gonna miss this

africa, you will always have my heart

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Aly. We are the same. I just wrote about the tornado too.

I love you so much! I just over here thinking about how I will shrivel without all of this and you.