Friday, April 29, 2011

oh my oh my oh my oh my

i cannot breathe. this! AH!

To watch more, visit tag

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

YES! I love this so so much.

long live Yonka and Charlie

the boy across from me in the library has been talking to himself for the past hour. say it loud, say it proud, amigo
also, i propose that the library place boxes of tissues on every table. just sayinnn. it would preserve the sanity of many (me)


Sunday, April 17, 2011


Its finals week. My last one, ever. What?! That is the weirdest. But I am definitely learning a lot this finals season...

tornadoes are fun if experienced with a best friend, in a park.
pasty english winter skin burns easily. first sunburn of the season: check. ouch!
cafe rio tastes better eaten with roommates
a tent indoors is the best place for sleeping and telling secrets/life plans
i want to be outside all. day. long
i have a hardish time focusing
the temple is a wonderful place
frisbee needs to happen more
cousins are so tender
so many people to see, so little time
i really do like byu. so much.
i'm gonna miss this

africa, you will always have my heart

Friday, April 08, 2011

photo by eli morey. he's real good

Kristie and I went inside today!

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

color berlin

first encounter with a moth this season = legitimate terror in my heart