Sunday, December 06, 2009

beef time

last night we had an archer cousin party and played a wild game of catch phrase. we learned some really valuable lessons:

no one knows what lurid means but you sound really smart if you use it in a sentence. so use it as much as possible.

Saskatchewan is a province in Canada, not a species of humans like Neanderthals

there are easier ways of describing gum than saying "something you chew, but not tobacco" marijuana? no, gum

no one knows what inky means either. probably used as "it was an inky night"

beef time does not exist. prime time does.

when you are guessing "glue" and the catch phrase holder is shouting NO! NOO! IT'S NOT GLUE! you should probably stop guessing "glue"


I love my extended family. They are so hilarious and so fun to be around. We had dinner with my mom's side tonight and they are also so so great. Naturally, we played a little catch phrase with them too. And Tanner may have drooled on innocent Kaydee's head from the second floor.

15 more days until my whole family is together for Christmas in Colorado. the plan of happiness makes me happy because I get to be with my family forever


Jessica Lynn said...




Brittany said...

alysa i liked this a lot. i thought it was quite hysterical.

catch-a-phrase is my favorite game.