Watching it has made me grateful for my family, though. Grateful that we can be hilarious without being dysfunctional. At least I think they are all hilarious...but I'm easily amused. Let me prove the hilarity to you:

Paul- the other day I was skyping with kristie-na and my dad suddenly appeared in the background, his head horizontal to the ground, staring at me. Then he grabbed the skype mic and put it right up to his mouth, kind of like a little kid using a microphone for the first time. It was hilarious
Carol- Mom always does little funny things, but the one that still kills me happened when I was a Senior in high school. I was the only child still at home, so mom and I spent a lot of time together, and ate a lot of salads together. One night I asked her for the Wasabi dressing and she responded with "Wassuup, b?!" kinda like "wasabi". It was hilarious
Doug- On Halloween Doug and Dana gutted a pumpkin and carved two holes in it. They placed their 11 month old son Wesley in the pumpkin with his little legs poking out of the holes. They bribed him to stay in the pumpkin by feeding him marshmallows. Sara and Eli showed me their skype sesh from that night, and it was hilarious.
Dana- The other day when I went to Sara and Eli's house, Sara was skyping with Dana (do you think our family likes skype?). Sara left the room so I was talking to Dana, and all of the sudden her face was surrounded by beautiful hearts and glitter, twinkling stars, fish, and roller coasters. She was playing around with the video settings, and without warning had beautiful frames around her beautiful face. It was hilarious
Wesley- Wesley is the sweetest kid with the cutest smile. In August the whole fam was together for a few days and the baby boys got to play together and we all got to interact with them. Sara discovered that whenever she made this obnoxious, high-pitched sound, Wesley would stop whatever he was doing, put his shoulder up to his ear, and crack THE biggest dimpley smile. We made him do it all weekend long. It was hilarious.

Andy- Andy man loves to do the football shuffle, arms out and on his toes. He will always unexpectedly block you from passing by doing his little shuffle, or head-butting you. Biting is also a personal favorite of his. He always says "GET TO THE CHOPPA" in his best Arnold voice, and Doug reaaaally loves it when he does. Its hilarious
Paige- Paige has some really funny one liners. For example, when Kristie and I visited them in Georgia in August we went to a park that had a lot of little baby frogs. She was asking Andy if frogs were crustaceans, but instead asked "are frogs Croatian?" Andy responded with "no, I think they're Serbian." It was hilarious
Eli- Eli always does random things that make me laugh. The other day I was with Sara and Tanner at their house and Eli thought we were at the park. So when I got on g-chat and he started talking to me, he asked how my new iPhone was. I didn't understand, but he explained to me that obviously I must have been using my new iPhone's wifi at the park since I was online. It was hilarious.
Sara- Sara always makes us laugh in our family. A few weeks ago there was a huge spider in their house and she thought it was a black widow, so she obviously couldn't kill it herself (in case she hit it and missed and it landed on Tanner). She called the home teachers to come kill it, but he sent his wife instead who informed her that it was not actually a black widow and killed it by merely spraying insecticide stuff on it--no whacking involved. I was not there when it happened, but Sara wrote the family a play-by-play of the incident, and it was hilarious.
Tanner- Tanman is a funny kid. And smart too. He LOVES playing with the buttons on my phone because they make a cool clicky sound. A few days ago he was playing with my phone and when I took it back, he had changed the background on my phone to a picture of him I had in my phone's photo album, and saved a Quick Text draft to my mom that said "Wanna meet up?" It was hilarious.
Tan was sick on Halloween and this is what he looked like trick-or-treating at the mall. Way sad, I know. But way funny

Kristie- Krispy poo is very witty. Our family always sends video messages to each other, and on Halloween the videos were comin strong of the little guys' first Halloween. I decided to join the video fun and sent a video of my roommates and I driving to Zumba. Kristie also joined in, and sent a picture of our cat Ashley with the caption "My totally cool cat costume. I look just like ashley" It was hilarious.
And that is why laughing is my favorite. I have these crazy people around to make me laugh, and make me laugh hard. No one makes me laugh harder than my family...and when I start I can't stop. I can't wait for Christmas when we will ALL be together again and I will have even more hilarious stories

ohh father
haha this one makes me laugh everytime I see it

I love eternity and BEYOND!

ohh father

I love eternity and BEYOND!
I haven't read any thing you wrote yet but I had to comment on the family picture. Hilarious! I love how Andy looks like he's using "the john" army style. I love how Doug is randomly away from the group. I love how you are the only one looking at the camera for some reason. I love how I have a goofy smile. Oh man. This is a classic. Ok now to read your writing!
OH MAN!!!!!!!! I was laughing so hard reading and then I started crying at the same time! I MISS MY FAMILY!!! Eli was taking a cat nap on the couch and he woke up and said, "Sar, what happened? Are you crying?" So then I read him the whole post and laughed/cried ALL over again. We really do have a dynamic family! And YOU are also hilarious and add so much to the family as the youngest one. Love you! Looks like we'll probably be staying in Utah so we'll still be seeing you, just not as often as we see each other right now.
More tears??? I have already been teary this morning because I am so happy Andy and Paige will be together! And teary because I was hoping I could spend the summer with T...a selfish thought! And now to see my funny family!!! So Aly, you left out one funny person in your blog....You!!! Do you know how much we all love you and what a delight you are to all of us? Something funny I think about you is the "wild kingdom" that you lived in for years...squirrels overhead, and a beehive underneath...who knew???? You make me laugh!
i'm seriously weepy over how much the Archer fam loves each other. if i didn't like my own family so much, i'd insist that you adopt me.
Alysa, we're not related, but I love you lady.
You have been holding out on me!!!! I loved reading that. The Kristie one made me laugh out loud, and I am at the library. Awkward. Miss you Smalls. :)
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