Thursday, April 08, 2010

musical moreys

I LOVE visiting Sara, Eli and Tanner in Salt Lake every weekend or so. Having family in Utah is the best and I seriously don't know what I would have done without them this year. Its so fun to watch the little Tan Man grow up, he is such a smart kid and so funny. Him and Wes are getting so big and cuter everyday! Sara has helped me a lot this year and has always been there to talk and give me advice. She has been such a great support, my sisters are the best. And Elijah is always fun to talk to and play games with, and still helps me with homework. I am going to miss them so so much when they move to VERMONT next year, but I'm so excited for them!

I taught Tan another member of the fam a few weeks ago, Gary. Also, check out how he says my name. I'm so proud

I love you guys!


Unknown said...

Oh Smells! You're super nice! I LOVE YOU DITTO!!! Thanks so much for making the drive to Salt Lake to see us. Tan adores you, even if he says your name inappropriately! I hope I haven't given too much advice over the year. You are doing a fabulous job in school and you will make one incredible teacher! I know that first hand! We will definitely miss seeing you so often. Tear. Hugs to you!

Kristie said...

I think Sara got "tear" from me. But I could be wrong. I still can't believe you taught Tan to recognized Gary. Now when you forget his name again Tan can remind you.

I wish I was out there w/ you guys.