Saturday, March 20, 2010


 March 20, 1979

Paul and Carol Archer clan began
31 years ago!
their parents
 isn't she beautiful?

They make the cutest young married couple. And not-as-young married couple. I am so grateful they got married on that March day 31 years ago and began their eternal family. I love them both so so much and they have taught me so much. Things like
hard work
 laughing at myself
appreciating knowledge
respecting others
family first
standing up for what I believe in
not being ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ
finding and giving love
following my passions
how to be a good friend
appreciating the world that we live in
following the prophet
finding and strengthening talents
chewing with my mouth closed
choosing to be happy
i could seriously go on and on and on...

I hope that someday I will be at least half the person that both of them are. They are incredible examples to me and I couldn't ask for better parents. Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad! Thank you for bringing me into this amazing family that I love more than anything. I love you, to eternity and beyond. I will never forget you!
Oct. 2009


Kristie said...

Chewing with your mouth closed.I'm so glad you consider that a great life lesson :)
They are really great. Maybe you should move home and keep them company. They're going to need someone!

Brittany said...

your parents are my favorite next to my own. and also, they are the cutest.