Friday, January 29, 2010

friendship friendship, such a perfect blendship

A little cheesy, but today friends make me happy. Tonight was full of fun conversations with some of my favorite people. They make Provo really great. Hey friends,  

If you ever lose your mind, I'll be kind
And if you ever lose your shirt, I'll be hurt
If you're ever in a mill and get sawed in half, I won't laugh
It's friendship, friendship
Just a perfect blendship
When other friendships are up the crick
Ours will still be slick
"Friendship" from DuBarry was a Lady



j-rad's tour bus is behind us. you can't see it, but you can believe it


had to

sarah jane made some really good brownies yesterday. these are not the ones she made, but we probably enjoyed them just as much 

she bleeds red also. i appreciate that

1 comment:

Jessica Lynn said...

I'm honored that you allowed me a single picture where i look fantastic. I appreciate that. NOT. I look a leeetle awkward there. but no problem because we're friends and we talked on the phone for 58 minutes last night. holla!